Thursday, May 19, 2016

You Tube

You Tube can be a great source of information for both the teacher and the student. But as with any source on the internet, it can also be overwhelming! The video below talks briefly about the advantages of creating and using a You Tube channel to help you manage that information.

To see more of the videos I have created on You Tube, click here.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Google Slides Q & A

Google has just introduced a new feature that allows your audience to ask questions as you present. Then, at the end you can review their questions, and even sort them by popularity! Very cool.
To access the new feature, go to present in the upper right. Click the arrow for the drop down menu and choose "Presenter View" "Use the new audience Q&A and view with speaker notes."
Here is a video that shows how it might work.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Canvas - Docs

Here are a series of videos that you can view to show you how to assign a Google Doc to students, have them turn in the doc through Canvas, and then how you can grade the doc using a rubric that you create.

Total viewing time is about 30 minutes. I have broken them down into parts so that you can view the parts that you might need help with. As with anything tech based, there is always more that could be shown. I have tried to stick to the basics.

If you have not done this yet, and want to try it with your students, you might want to consider embedding video #4 in the first assignment for students so they can reference it if they have questions about answering or turning in the doc.

If you have any questions, let me know. If anything needs to be clarified on a video, let me know that too, as they can always be edited.

VIDEO #1 - Creating the Google Doc worksheet or assignment (4:20)

VIDEO #2 - Entering the assignment into Canvas for your students to take. (4:35)

VIDEO #3 - Creating a rubric for a doc to grade on Canvas (11:07)

VIDEO #4 - Student View. How students complete and turn in the doc. (4:27)

VIDEO #5 - Grading an assignment turned in on Canvas via Google Docs